Dr. Marc Weisman

About Me

I have a twenty-five-year history of high-level leadership experience at the Beaumont hospital’s specifically and more generally in Southeast Michigan. I am a co-founder of the United (Beaumont) Physicians (UP) and I served on the UP-Executive Board and Operations Committee for its first decade. I also served as the vice-chair for the pharmacy and therapeutics committee (pharmacy & medications decision making) for Health Alliance Plan (HAP) for more than ten years. I am the founding past Medical Director and Chairman of the Board for the Beaumont Physician Organization, PC that managed more than 2,500 Beaumont affiliated physicians. This group merged with UP in 2014. I am married with three children. I enjoy fitness activities, swimming, biking, snow-skiing and hiking-particularly in the Rocky Mountains.

Why am I your best choice as a Concierge Doctor?

Experience and reputation. I am a highly trained and experienced board-certified doctor. I have not one but four certifications: Family Medicine, Geriatric (elder care), Functional Medicine, and Antiaging (A4M) Regenerative Medicine. My Complimentary Medicine training and knowledge is yet another advantage to you because I can offer many natural therapies to augment or even replace traditional ones.

Another unique benefit is my relationship with referral doctors. I have developed scores of close relationships with the best doctors in the region due to my long career representing Beaumont-affiliated doctors. I have served as their medical director, board chairman, and in other high-level leadership roles. These relationships can be invaluable when referrals are necessary for second opinions, surgeries, and procedures.