Choose Your Plan

Due to the overwhelming success of WeismanCare, our membership-based practice has grown beyond the maximum number of patents. We have a waiting list in place. Every application will be carefully considered. Feel free to email DocW@WeismanCare.com if you wish to inquire about the process. Thank you for your interest in WeismanCare.


Average Concierge Fee in Michigan is $1,800
Established patient $950/yr New patient $1,595/yr
  • Unprecedented access to the doctor via
    private phone number, text, email & video calls.
  • Highly personalized care
  • Quadruple Certified:
    Family / Geriatric /Functional / Anti-Aging Medicine
  • 25 years as a Beaumont Physician leader including
    Medical Director which helps you navigate the health care system

Concierge LITE

Average Concierge Fee in Michigan is $1,800
Established patient $450/yr New patient $695/yr
  • Same benefits as Concierge but intended for younger (typically less than 40 y/o) adults without chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or cancer.